Junior researchers support
further information
Project manager: Dr. Ayla Güler Saied, ZuS, University of Cologne in cooperation with Prof. Argyro Panagiotopoulou, University of Cologne and Prof. Lisa Rosen, University of Cologne
Duration: since winter term 2017/18
Description: 'Shaping Heterogeneity and Inclusion – Future Strategy for Teacher Education' is a pioneering project of the University of Cologne, facilitated by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research within the framework of the joint 'Quality Initiative in Teacher Training' (Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung) of the Federal Government and the states. The Cologne Future Strategy Teacher Education addresses the challenges of teacher education, in particular the demands of inclusion and the specific framework conditions at the University of Cologne. The project's title 'Shaping Heterogeneity and Inclusion - Future Strategy for Teacher Education' creates a common guiding idea for the fields of action. Particular attention will be paid to exploiting the opportunities associated with the size of the university and counteracting the corresponding risks. Against this background, measures are being implemented in four fields of action: competence labs, inclusive studies, promotion young researchers, quality management.
Within this support program for M.Ed. students, the Competence Area SINTER cooperates with ZuS: Prof. Panagiotopoulou’s and Prof. Rosen’s research seminars and research colloquia are open for the participants of the workshop 'Heterogeneity and Inclusion'.
Website: http://zus.uni-koeln.de/fk_heterogenitaet.html